Enhance your natural beauty with Jealousy Tan.
Get the perfect tan, wherever you are.
With mobile tanning, you can receive a professional tanning treatment in the comfort of your own home. No need to worry about traveling to a salon or spa – we will come to you.
Some people may feel more comfortable getting a tan in the privacy of their own home, and mobile tanning allows you to have a more personal and private experience.
We offer a variety of options allowing you to customize your treatment to meet your specific needs and preferences. Choose the type of tanning product, and the intensity of the tan to achieve your desired result.
Best Mobile Spray Tan!
Using a mobile spray tanning company and a healthy spray tan solution offers numerous benefits, including convenience, safety, and skin health. So why not give it a try and see for yourself the beautiful results it can provide?
We come to you.
This means you don’t have to worry about traveling to a salon or taking time out of your busy schedule. It’s a convenient and hassle-free way to achieve a beautiful, natural-looking tan.
Healthier Choice
Our solution is also free from harmful chemicals and additives, making it a healthier choice for your skin. These solutions are often enriched with nourishing ingredients that can help to hydrate and nourish the skin, improving its overall appearance and health.
Have questions about our services?
Give us a call at 123-456-7890 or simply submit your question below.
Have a Look at Our
Massage therapy center
You deserve better than a rushed massage by a rookie therapist in a place that makes you feel more stressed.
Luxury Spa
Suspendisse lacus, dolor auctor nec, iaculis amet vel facilisi nulla dignissim aliquam erat id eget habitasse leo facilisis tempor vulputate facilisis varius nunc pulvinar.
Stone Therapy
Sit cursus aliquet semper sem enim quam nec nascetur facilisis gravida turpis aliquam arcu vel aliquam sit dictumst purus eget imperdiet velit aliquam metus.
Aroma Therapy
Mattis erat accumsan pulvinar urna accumsan a blandit eget commodo dui laoreet ut commodo odio massa pellentesque platea ut arcu massa purus vestibulum proin.
Skin Treatment
Vulputate augue convallis mauris ullamcorper consequat purus cursus consectetur sodales aenean dui nunc augue condimentum cras arcu quam ornare quis leo cursus non turpis.
Get in touch.
If you have any additional questions about our mobile tanning services, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We would be happy to assist you and provide further information.
Our locations
Dallas Forth Worth, Texas | Miami, Florida
Opening Hours
7 Days A Week: 10AM - 10PM